Monday, March 28, 2005

Major, positive development

Well well well. Mike Green Challenge (a Kuro5hin user) has brought the following to my attention: a brand new valve amplifier kit that costs only US$139.

This looks like a much easier route than fixing the existing amplifier, and I'm all in favour of easy :-) Conveniently, my employer is paying all staff a bonus this year ... :-)

Friday, March 25, 2005

The WestiAmp blog has moved

Due to the fact that I'm running out of space on my Ihug FTP server (I only get 10MB free space with my account), I have moved my personal blog to a new location:

The new Atom feed for the blog is:

Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing the new location.
No Clean Feed - Stop Internet Censorship in Australia